The filename says cats, but we have two dogs and one cat now. (Or, by weight, about 18 times as much dog as cat).
Lucy came along in July 2008, at 8 weeks old.
Here she is again at 10 months demonstrating why one shouldn't go
to the Pt. Isabel dog park at low tide.
Dave got Bubba from the Fairfield pound in 2006. He weighed 120 lbs,
poor guy. He's down to about 70 now. Here he is at about age 10.
This picture was taken in Oakland's Knowland Park, in open space
that's slated to be fenced off as part of the Oakland Zoo expansion.
For more information, see the
Friends of Knowland Park website).
"Little One" arrived in December 1999. She was a stray who appeared
at my friend Pete's apartment. She's really tiny. Too cute to pass up!
Titi walked in my front door eleven years ago, and stayed.
She had a good life, but is gone now.
Bobo (below) was her daughter and, alas, has also gone on to that great mouse-hunting ground in the sky.